LBA Bar Briefs
- President’s Page: Creating a Legal Community that Mirrors Our Community
By: Maria Fernandez - Mediation Blue Zones
By: Tom Williams - Special Education Advocacy: An Untapped Niche for Family Lawyers
By: Melina Hettiaratchi - Reflecting on 125 Years of Service: A Look Back at the LBA’s History
All About Bar Briefs
Bar Briefs Overview
Bar Briefs is a national award-winning monthly publication of the Louisville Bar Association. With a circulation of more than 2,400 readers, Bar Briefs offers informative articles on current issues of interest in the law. It also informs members about what is going on at the LBA, including continuing legal education offerings, meetings, special events, public service and pro bono opportunities, member benefits, and news about colleagues. Readers look to Bar Briefs as a source of news and timely information about the local, state and federal courts.
All LBA members receive a complimentary subscription to Bar Briefs. Non-member subscriptions are available and may be purchased by emailing Kimberly Kasey at
Bar Briefs Contacts:
- Articles: Tess Taylor, or (502) 583-5314
- Advertising: Kimberly Kasey, or (502) 583-5314
- Members on the Move Announcements: Contact either Tess or Kim
Target your market…
When you advertise in Bar Briefs, you reach a select group of high-income professionals. More than 2,700 Louisville area attorneys and judges receive this monthly publication of the Louisville Bar Association. It is also read by paralegals, allied professionals and current law students and their faculty.
Bar Briefs readers are a diverse audience. Many are young attorneys embarking on their legal careers. Others have been in practice more than 25 years. Our members practice in large and small firms, corporate offices, county and state offices, and the private sector.
We offer two different types of advertising in Bar Briefs—Display (or “boxed”) ads and Classified ads. Please choose from the below for details, rates and specifications:
Questions? Contact Kimberly Kasey at
Editorial Calendar
Month | Theme |
January | LBA Year in Review |
February | Public Interest/Solo, Small Practice |
March | Criminal Law/Appellate Law |
April | Environmental Law/ Tort & Insurance Law |
May | Corporate Law/Federal Practice |
June | Litigation/ADR, Mediation |
July | Family Law/Probate & Estate Law |
August | Taxation/Bankruptcy |
September | Law Schools/Young Lawyers |
October | Labor & Employment/ Real Estate/Administrative Law |
November | Health Care Law/Human Rights |
December | AI, IP, Privacy Law/In-House |
Article Submissions
The Louisville Bar Association appreciates the contributions of its volunteer writers and contributors.
All individuals interested in submitting articles, reprints, announcements and creative pieces for publication in Bar Briefs, may do so by emailing Kimberly Kasey at
Submissions may take the following forms:
Article | Creative Piece |
Substantive Law Article | Poem |
Personal Essay | Comics |
Profile | Short Stories |
Q&A | Illustrations |
Quick Tips | Etc. |
Etc. |
Each issue of Bar Briefs focuses on one or two specific areas of the law and includes two to five feature articles. Features are substantive law articles that must pertain to the theme of the issue and authors should refer to the 2024 Editorial Calendar when determining when and what to submit. These authors should have substantial knowledge and research expertise in the specified area of practice.
Submissions other than feature articles need not adhere to the theme.
For those who wish to submit substantive law articles on topics that are not covered throughout the year, please submit your request to and she will be happy to discuss this with you.