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Kristen L. Miller

Kristen L. Miller

Executive Director

Implements LBA programs & policies; employs & oversees staff; develops strategic plan; provides budgetary oversight; serves as liaison to the LBA Board of Directors, other bar associations & the legal community.

P: (502) 583-5314 x 113

Lisa Anspach

Lisa Anspach

Professional Development & Leadership Director

Oversees planning, accreditation, marketing & programming of CLE seminars and LBA section meetings; including managing AV equipment for CLE On Demand catalog. Plans & manages the Leadership Academy. Serves as staff liaison for CLE Committee, Leadership Academy committee/alumni/participants, collaborative organizations and companies, and the LBA Gender Equality Committee.

P: (502) 583-5314 x 108

Jeff Been

Jeff Been

Louisville Bar Foundation Executive Director

Implements Louisville Bar Foundation programs and policies; employs and oversees staff; develops strategic plan; serves as liaison to other bar associations and community.

P: (502) 292-6734

Sonja Brent

Sonja Brent

Administrative Assistant/Receptionist

Meets & greets visitors; manages switchboard; coordinates reservations for Bar Center use; oversees operations for the Attorneys’ Room including processing access cards; assists Executive Director; supports Placement Service Director & assists other departments & programs as necessary.

P: (502) 583-5314 x 100

Debby Dye

Debby Dye

Kentucky Lawyer Referral Service Director

Oversees Kentucky Lawyer Referral Service, including attorney membership, staff supervision, referral calls, and marketing. Serves as a facilitator between potential clients and attorneys; matches client requests with enrolled attorneys; and maintains database. Serves as staff liaison for KLRS Committee.

P: (502) 583-5314 x 104

John Hardin

John Hardin

CFO / Director of Operations

Maintains accounting records; prepares financial statements, budgets & dues invoices; processes deposits & payments; manages computer system; directs financial development progress.

P: (502) 583-5314 x 101

Kimberly Kasey

Kimberly Kasey

Graphic Designer / Communications

In-house graphic designer; works on LBA communications, including Bar Briefs, Pictorial Roster and other projects; handles classified ads and display advertising for Bar Briefs; assists other departments as necessary.

P: (502) 583-5314 x 106

Marisa Motley

Marisa Motley

Chief Outreach Officer

Manages membership recruitment and retention; manages membership records and database; records dues payments; directs membership benefit provider program and develops sponsorship packages. Plans and manages special events for the bar; serves as staff liaison for Member Services Committee. In addition, coordinates public outreach activities & programs; identifies pro bono/public service opportunities & seeks out volunteer attorneys; serves as staff liaison to the Louisville Public Outreach Committee.

P: (502) 583-5314 x 124

Tess Taylor

Tess Taylor

Communications and Marketing Specialist

Oversees association communications and message development; Develops communications and marketing strategy and analyzes campaign success; retains and grows advertising, sponsor and other marketing relationships 

P: (502) 583-5314 x 114