Section Chairs

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A tremendous benefit of membership in the Louisville Bar Association is the opportunity to join one or more of the practice-related sections. The LBA offers 20 sections covering a wide range of specialty areas.
Section chairs and vice-chairs are responsible for coordinating regular meetings, continuing legal education (CLE) seminars, section contributions to the LBA’s monthly publication Bar Briefs, and at least one service project per year.
Help Needed! We are currently filling positions for the 2025 section leadership. If you are interested in filling any of the vacant positions below, please contact Lisa Anspach at (502) 583-5314.
Click HERE to view the 2025 LBA Section Chair Responsibilities.
Administrative Law
The Administrative Law Section covers the regulation, operation and procedures of government which pervade all areas of daily life. Through networking and CLE seminars, the group builds awareness and expertise of Administrative Law practice.
Leadership positions are open for this section, please contact Lisa Anspach for more information.Â
Larry Church, Chair
Dana M. Eberle, Chair
The purpose of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)/Mediation Section is to promote the use of alternative methods of dispute resolution such as mediation, arbitration, early neutral evaluation, mini-trials, summary jury trials and private judging. While recognizing the importance of trials, the section works to further educate both the bar and the public about alternative dispute resolution.
AI / IP / Privacy Law
Dalton B. Cline, Chair
The AI/IP/Privacy Law Section focuses on the evolving intersection of artificial intelligence, intellectual property, and privacy law. This section provides members with opportunities to stay informed about legal developments, exchange knowledge and address the challenges in these dynamic fields. Our activities include CLE programs, roundtable discussions and networking events designed to enhance professional skills and foster collaboration among practitioners. Join us to stay ahead in the rapidly changing landscape of AI, IP and privacy law.
Appellate Law
Brandon Girdley, Chair
This Section aims to facilitate collaboration among appellate practitioners by providing a forum for discussion, education, and networking, as well as promoting excellence in appellate practice through events, publications and other resources.
Leadership positions are open for this section, please contact Lisa Anspach for more information.
Bankruptcy Law
Brian R. Pollock, Chair
J. Gabriel “Gabe” Dennery, Chair
The purpose of the LBA’s Bankruptcy Law Section is to promote the objects of the association within the field of bankruptcy law. The section regularly schedules and conducts educational programs for the members of the section and all members of the legal community, monitors legislative and judicial developments relevant to bankruptcy law, forms liaison relationships with the judicial benches and relays all relevant information to members of the section.
Corporate Law
William Andrew (Drew) Teague, Chair
Maci B. Followell, Chair
The purpose of the Corporate Law Section is to promote the objects of the Association within the field of corporate law. To that end, the purposes of this Section are to: (1) to concern itself with all legal issues relating to the operation, financing, acquisition and divesture of business entities; (2) to study, report upon and recommend improvements to legislation, whether Federal or State, pertaining to the Section’s concerns; (3) to bring together members of the Association interested in corporate law to confer upon the various problems incurred in these areas; and (4) to promote the legal education of members of the Association and the public by sponsoring meeting and seminars and by preparing and publishing articles concerning business law.
Criminal Practice
Coleman Cox, Chair
William H. Brammell, Jr., Chair
The Criminal Law Section of the Louisville Bar Association strives to assure quality representation by promoting education, mentoring, and professionalism in the legal community. This Section focuses its efforts on identifying ways to improve our judicial system as it relates to criminal defendants. Through the use of continuing education programs, periodic meetings, and publishing legal writings, the Section address challenges faced by practitioners and encourages dialogue and support amongst its members to ensure that all defendants have quality representation. and encourages dialogue and support amongst its members to ensure that all defendants have quality representation.Â
Environmental Law
The LBA Environmental Law Section is dedicated to empowering environmental practitioners by tracking the dynamic legal landscape and fostering a professional network. We provide strategic resources and continuing legal education to help attorneys navigate complex environmental legal challenges.
Family Law
Melina Hettiaratchi, Chair
Amy DeRenzo Hulbert, Chair
The purpose of the Family Law Section is to promote the objectives of the Association within the field of family law. To fulfill its purpose, the section, among other activities, shall act as liaison between its members, the judiciary and the Association; study and report upon proposed, necessary and desirable legislation; encourage members of the Association interested in family law issues to meet and confer through this section; promote the legal education of members of the Bar and the public concerning family law issues through the sponsoring of CLE and other seminars, meetings and by preparing and publishing legal writings in the field of family law.
Federal Practice
Jessica R.C. Malloy, Chair
Kayla M. Campbell, Chair
Matt Weyand, Chair
Through engaging events, informative seminars and networking opportunities, we provide a platform for you to enhance your understanding of federal law procedures, regulations and litigation strategies. Our section is committed to fostering professional growth and collaboration among members, empowering you to excel in your federal practice endeavors.
Join us as we delve into the dynamic realm of federal law, learn from esteemed experts and connect with peers who share your passion. Whether you’re looking to deepen your expertise, broaden your network, or simply stay informed, the Louisville Bar Association Federal Practice Section is your go-to resource for all things federal practice. Explore the boundless opportunities awaiting you – become a member today!
Health Law
Virginia “Leigh” Schell, Chair
The Health Care Law Section enables interaction among the health care lawyers, healthcare industry representatives and government regulators. It also provides a forum for discussing timely issues of interest to healthcare lawyers and offers education programs in healthcare law.
Human Rights Law
A. Holland Houston, Chair
Ethan Chase, Vice-Chair
The Human Rights Section seeks to educate the Bench and Bar on timely topics that are also the basis of new law and policy forming around them to keep up with the ever-increasing pace of the global village in which we find ourselves working and living to a greater degree every day.
The section will feature speakers with expertise in one of the specialties the section encompasses human trafficking, immigration, civil rights and immigration law. It seeks to expand the vision and reach of the LBA, too, to a national and international audience, from which we can draw to provide excellent legal advice to clients who find themselves in modern civil rights actions such as LGBT and pay equity cases, as well as solutions to legal difficulties that arise for nonresident and undocumented families hailed into both civil and criminal courts here.
Founded in 2013, our first seminar focused on the newest and one of the toughest human trafficking laws in the state, House Bill 3, and its federal counterpart, as well as basic immigration law, international rule of law and the role of neutrality played by the Red Cross. Why anti-discrimination laws are still necessary was one of the subjects of the second seminar along with a presentation by one of the Plaintiffs’ attorneys in Love v. Beshear (same-sex right to marry) and Bourke et al v. Beshear (action to legalize out-of-state same-sex marriage) and a presentation on international right to counsel in a criminal case.
We invite you to join us as we bring a piece of the world around us to the city and truly broaden our horizons.
In-House Counsel
Allyson K. Sturgeon, Co-Chair
Michael P. Farley, Co-Chair
The In-House Counsel Section includes attorneys who serve as legal counsel within companies or other organizations. The section meetings typically include a discussion or presentation focusing on the unique needs of single-client representation and particular challenges faced by in-house counsel. The In-House Counsel section also partners with other LBA sections to provide presentations and CLEs across practice areas that are important to both in-house and external counsel
Leadership positions are open for this section, please contact Lisa Anspach for more information.
Labor and Employment Law
Catie A. Wheatley, Chair
Marianna Melendez, Chair
The Labor & Employment Section’s goal is to bring together lawyers from every facet of labor and employment law-those involved in both the public and private sectors, those who represent both plaintiffs and defendants, those whose practice is focused on either labor or employment law. This section also provides CLE programs and section meetings.
Michelle C. Fox, Chair
 Jacob Robbins, Vice-Chair
The mission of the Litigation Section is to promote the objectives of the Association within all fields of litigation, to serve the needs of members of the Section by providing relevant education and information, and to foster a close relationship between the lawyers and judicial officers in the Association.
Probate and Estate Law
Monica B. Davidson, Chair
Kathryn Beck, Chair
The purpose of the Probate & Estate Section is to provide support for attorneys who practice in the areas of estate planning, probate, guardianships and conservatorships, to help promote and serve the interests of the public and the judiciary, and to promote a high degree of ethics, skill, and professionalism among its members.
Public Interest Law
The purpose of the Public Interest Law Section is to bring together members of the Association interested in government and public interest practice and to confer upon the various problems incurred in these areas; (2) to promote the legal education of members of the Association and the public by sponsoring meetings, institutes and conferences and by preparing and publishing articles concerning government and public interest practice; and (3) to promote pro-bono work in public interest legal issues amongst the private bar.
Leadership positions are open for this section, please contact Lisa Anspach for more information.
Real Estate Law
Abigail Fargen Riley, Chair
Ashley K. Russell, Chair
The purpose of the Real Estate Section is to promote the Association within the fields of real estate and land use law and to contribute to the Louisville community through philanthropic activities. The section regularly schedules and conducts educational programs for the members of the section and all members of the LBA, monitors and distributes information related to developments in commercial and residential real estate law, and hosts meetings and events to discuss real estate issues and to raise funds for local charities.Â
Solo and Small practice
The mission of the Solo & Small Practice Section is to increase the quality and profitability of the practices and lives of small firm attorneys and solo practitioners. The goals are to share information and pool resources in assisting its members to learn more about the business of law; to identify specific management and marketing techniques designed for the small firm and individual practices and to create a network of small firm attorneys practicing in every specialty and area of the law.
Taxation Law
Helen V. Cooper, Chair
H. Collier Clay, Chair
The purpose of the Tax Section is to promote the objects of the Association within the field of taxation, with emphasis on continuing the legal education of the members of the Association in the field of taxation and on studying and making recommendations with respect to tax legislation.
Tort and Insurance Practice
Ronald E. Johnson, Jr., Chair
The Tort & Insurance Law Practice Section is dedicated to creating a supportive and educational environment for its members; fostering meaningful outreach and community engagement opportunities; and developing CLE programs and networking events, catering to both plaintiff and defense attorneys.
Young Lawyers Section
Al’Lisha J.D. Hanserd, Chair
Jackson Rice, Chair
Katherine Ison, Chair
The purpose of the Young Lawyers Section is to stimulate the interest of young lawyers and new members of the Louisville Bar Association in the objectives of the Association, to carry on activities that will be of assistance to those and other lawyers in their practice of law, to educate and inform the legal community and the general public, and to make reports and recommendations to the Board of Directors of the Association.
The Louisville Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Section (YLS) is open to every member of the LBA who is under the age of 36 or in his/her first five years of practice, regardless of age.